Austrian Society for Musicians‘ Medicine
Medicine, Physiology & Psychology for Musicians
The society supports research, knowledge, theory, techniques in connection with interdisciplinary interests of the various genres: Music, Medicine, Physiology and Psychology. Special consideration will be given to the physical and psychological problems of musicians. This should include the improvement of prevention, diagnosis and therapy.
Emphasis is placed on cooperation with those responsible for the education of musicians, such as teachers of musical instruments, singing, scientists, instrument manufacturers, doctors, dentists, physiotherapists, sport and music psychologists, Alexander teachers, Feldenkrais professors, music therapists, ergotherapists, etc.
Cooperation with orchestras, professionals and institutions such as music schools, conservatories, universities, etc. should be improved. Artists and similar institutions should also be considered. The goals of our society are on the one hand the publication of specialized knowledge for musicians, on the other hand special meetings of the different genres and finally research meetings. The OEGfMM pursues common goals and doesn’t profit from them.
ÖGfMM working groups & leaders:
– Medicine: Dr. med. Michael Peschka
Coordination and initiation of all activities that serve the diagnosis, therapy and rehabilitation of diseases in musicians (including multi-professional interdisciplinary network of all disciplines).
– Psychology & Coaching: Angela Büche MSc.
Our specialist group Music Psychology and Coaching sees itself as a service offering support and advice ideally BEFORE, but also AFTER the occurrence of stress and problems. The members of our working group offer competent advice or name specialized colleagues. Our members work in the following forms of counseling: Coaching – Mediation – Music Psychology – Life and Social Counseling – Supervision – Psychotherapy.
– Physiology: Dr. MMag. Mona Smale
Music physiology is the umbrella term for the application-oriented fields of body work and mental techniques in the context of the scientific fields of musician’s medicine and systematic musicology. As a theoretical and practical basis, it serves the prevention and therapy of physical and mental problems of musicians as well as the documentation of psychophysiological processes during music making.
– Science & Research: Univ. Prof. Dr. Christoph Reuter
Creation of a scientifically oriented level for the coordination and planning of interdisciplinary scientific symposia. Awarding of research grantsb for students. (For the announcement of project-related grants of the ÖGfMM). Platform for planning and mediation of doctoral, bachelor and diploma thesis topics, acquisition of third-party funds and grants. Joint holding of the master / diploma student and dissertation seminar in systematic musicology (directed by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christoph Reuter University of Vienna), the diploma student seminar music physiology and dissertation seminar interdisciplinary systematic musicology (directed by Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Matthias Bertsch, MDW) as well as the working group „Science“ of the Austrian Society for Music and Medicine.
– Singers‘ health: MMag. Josipa Bainac Hausknecht
The working group is dedicated to the physical and mental health of singers. The focus is on prevention, diagnostics and therapy of voice-related challenges as well as the promotion of sustainable vocal health. The aim is to network and support professionals involved in the training, care and support of singers.
– Musictherapy: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Thoms Stegemann & med. univ. Monika Glawischnig-Goschnik
Transfer knowledge of the musician and the effects of music to everyday life and society; establish connections with professionals involved in music use and the therapeutic effects of music in different areas of life.
– Hearing: Mag. Dr. Ulrike Stelzhammer-Reichhardt
The aim of the WG is the coordination and initiation of activities around the topic of hearing, hearing, hearing protection. In particular, it is an interdisciplinary network dedicated to the prevention or therapy of hearing disorders in musicians.
Austrian and international Meetings of interest
Board 2025-2027
- Ao. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Matthias Bertsch (Präsident)
- Leonhard Königseder, MSc MA (Stv. Präsident)
- Angela Büche MSc. (Schriftführerin)
- Dr. MMag. Mona Smale (Schatzmeisterin)
- Dr. med. Michael Peschka (AG Ltg. Musikermedizin)
Chair persons
- Dr. med. Maria Eckert (Stv. Schriftführerin)
- Mag. Dorothea Krassnitzer BA (Stv. Schatzmeisterin)
- Univ. Prof. Dr. Christoph Reuter (AG Ltg.: Wissenschaft und Forschung)
- Dr. MMag. Mona Smale (AG Ltg.: Musikphysiologie (Atem und Körperarbeit)
- Mag. Dr. Ulrike Stelzhammer-Reichhardt (AG Ltg. Hörgesundheit)
- MMag. Josipa Bainac Hausknecht (Sänger:innengesundheit)
- Angela Büche MSc. (AG Ltg.: Musikpsychologie & Coaching)
- Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sc. mus. Thomas Stegemann & Monika Glawischnig-Goschnik (AG Ltg.: Musikwirkung & Musiktherapie)