Literatursammlung zum Thema Gehör, Ohr und Gehörschutz

Nachfolgend als alphabetische Liste: (Stand Nov. 2018)

  • Ackermann, Bronwen J.; Kenny, Dianna; O’Brien, Ian; Driscoll, Tim R.(2014) (Sound Practice – Improving Occupational Health and Safety for Professional Orchestral Musicians in Australia). Frontiers in Psychology Vol. 5 DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00973
  • Adrians, Frauke.(2018) (Auf taube Ohren. Der Oboist Bernhard Schnieder mahnt, das Thema Gehörschutz ernst zu nehmen – nicht nur im Graben). Das Orchester 7-8.| Mainz: Verlag B. Schott’s Söhne
  • Alan, H; Lockwood, Richard; J.(2001) (Tinnitus and the Performer). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal Alice G. Brandfonbrener (Hg.) Vol. 16 Nr.4.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Arlinger, Stig.(1995) (Hearing, hearing impairment, and music). In: Speech — Music — Hearing, Proceedings of the 32nd Czech Conference on Acoustics, Prag 1995 MELKA, Alois, STEPÁNEK, Jan, OTCENÁSEK, Zdenek (Hg.).| Prag: VUZORT
  • Arnold, Godfrey E.; Miskolczy-Fodor, Francis.(1960) (Pure-tone thresholds of professional pianists). Archives of Otolaryngology Vol. 71 Nr. 6 DOI:10.1001/archotol.1960.03770060050007
  • Axelsson, A.(1978) (Hearing in Pop Musicians). Acta Oto-Laryngologica Vol. 85 Nr 3–4.| Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire : Taylor & FrancisDOI:10.3109/00016487809111929
  • Axelsson, A.; Eliasson, A.; Israelsson, B.(1995) (Hearing in Pop/Rock Musicians: A Follow-up Study.). Ear and Hearing Vol. 16 Nr. 3.| Pennsville (NJ): American Auditory SocietyPMID:7672473
  • Axelsson, A.; Lindgren, F.(1978) (Hearing in Pop Musicians). Acta Oto-Laryngologica Vol. 85 Nr 3–4.| Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire : Taylor & FrancisDOI:10.3109/00016487809111929
  • Axelsson, Alf; Lindgren, Fredrik.(1981) (Hearing in Classical Musicians). Acta Oto-Laryngologica Vol. 91 Nr. sup377.| Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire : Taylor & FrancisDOI:10.3109/00016488109108191
  • Babin, Angela.(1999) (Orchestra Pit Sound Level Measurements in Broadway Shows). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Vol. 14 Nr. 4.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Babisch, Wolfgang; Bohn, B.(2000) (Schallpegel in Diskotheken und bei Musikveranstaltungen ). Bundesumweltamt (Hg.)
  • Backus, Bradford C.; Clark, Terry; Williamon, Aaron.(2007) (Noise Exposure and Hearing Thresholds among Orchestral Musicians ). International Symposium on Performance Science
  • Barlow, Christopher.(2011) (Evidence of Noise-induced Hearing Loss in Young People Studying Popular Music). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Vol. 26 Nr. 2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Barlow, Christopher.(2010) (Potential Hazard of Hearing Damage to Students in Undergraduate Popular Music Courses ). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Vol. 25 Nr. 4.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.PMID:21170480
  • Barlow, Christopher; Castilla-Sanchez, Francisco.(2012) (Occupational Noise Exposure and Regulatory Adherence in Music Venues in the United Kingdom). Noise & Health Vol. 14 Nr. 47.| Mumbai: Medknow Publications
  • Beach, E. F.; O´Brien, Ian.(2017) (In Their Own Words: Interviews with Musicians Reveal the Advantages and Disadvantages of Wearing Earplugs). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Vol. 32 Nr. 2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.DOI:10.21091/mppa.2017.2017PMID:28599017
  • Beach, Elizabeth Francis; Williams, Warwick; Gilliver, Megan.(2010) (Hearing Protection for Clubbers is Music to their Ears). Health Promotion Journal of Australia Australian Health Promotion Association (Hg.) Vol. 21 Nr. 3 DOI:10.1071/HE10215
  • Becker, Maryanne.(2011) (Der schwerhörige Patient. Ein Leitfaden für Arztpraxis, Klinik und Pflege). | Frankfurt am Main: Mabuse-Verlag
  • Behar, A.; Chasin, M.; Mosher, S.; et al.(2018) (Noise exposure and hearing loss in classical orchestra musicians: A five-year follow-up). Noise & Health Vol. 20 Nr. 93.| Mumbai: Medknow PublicationsDOI:10.4103/nah.NAH_39_17PMID:29676294
  • Behar, Alberto; Wong, Willy; Knunov, Hans.(2008) (Risiko Gehörverlust bei Orchestermusikern. Eine Rezension der Literatur). Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin Eckart Altenmüller et al. (Hg.) Jg. 15 Nr. 3.| Hannover: DGfMM
  • Behar, Alberto; Wong, Willy; Kunov, Hans.(2006) (Risk of Hearing Loss in Orchestra Musicians: Review of the Literature ). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal Ralph A. Manchester (Hg.) Vol. 21 Nr.4.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Berger, Elliott H.(2003) (Hearing Protection Devices). The Noise Manual E. H. Berger et al. (Hg.).| Fairfax (VA): American Industrial Hygiene Association
  • Berghoff, Friedhelm.(1968) (Hörleistung und berufsbedingte Hörschädigung des Orchestermusikers mit einem Beitrag zur Pathophysiologie des lärmtraumatischen Hörschadens). | Univ. Diss. Köln:
  • Berghoff, Friedhelm.(1968) (Hörleistung und berufsbedingte Hörschädigung des Orchestermusikers mit einem Beitrag zur Pathophysiologie des lärmtraumatischen Hörschadens). | Univ. Diss. Köln:
  • Bertsch, Matthias.(2018) (Ergonomische & physiologische Behelfe für MusikerInnen: Eine Sammlung von Beispielen ergonomischer Behelfe und musikphysiologischer Hilfsmittel für Musikinstrumente bzw. für MusikerInnen). | Wien: MDW.AC.AT
  • Bertsch, Matthias.(2015) (Hörprobleme bei Musikern. Lautstärke, Gehörschutz, InEar Monitoring ). „Rock, Pop, Jazz, Xundheit“ Off Stage – Interviews 2015.| Online: YOUTUBE.COM
  • Bertsch, Matthias; Parzer, Edwina.(2015) (Aktuelle Erhebung der Belastungen von Popularmusikern [Abstract]). Fit on Stage Tagungsband 2015 / ÖGfMM Newsletter Journal Matthias Bertsch (Hg.).| Wien: ÖGfMM
  • Bertsch, Matthias; Reuter, Christoph; Rois-Merz, Esther, et al.(2014) (Laute Zonen, leise Zonen: Die Dynamik des Donauinselfests). DGM Jahrestagung 2014.| Erlangen:
  • Beste, Eckhard.(2015) (Multimodale Lärmstress-Intervention im Orchester). Fit on Stage Tagungsband 2015 / ÖGfMM Newsletter Journal Matthias Bertsch (Hg.).| Wien: ÖGfMM
  • Bhaya, Mh, et al.(1993) (Pathogenesis of Tympanosclerosis). Otolaryngol. Head. Neck. Surg. 109 3 (1)
  • Biesinger, Eberhard.(2005) (Tinnitus – Endlich Ruhe Im Ohr).
  • Billeter, Tina; Hohmann, Beat W.(2002) (Gehörbelastung von Orchestermusikern). Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin Eckart Altenmüller et al. (Hg.) Jg. 9 Nr. 2.| Hannover: DGfMM
  • Billeter, Tina; Hohmann, Beat W.(2002) (Gehörbelastung von Orchestermusikern). Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin Eckart Altenmüller et al. (Hg.) Jg. 9 Nr. 2.| Hannover: DGfMM
  • Boasson, A.(2002) (A one year noise survey during rehearsals and performances in the Netherlands Ballet Orchestra). Proceedings of the Institute of Acoustics 24 4
  • Bockstael, Annelies; Keppler, Hannah; Botteldooren, Dick.(2015) (Musician Earplugs: Appreciation and Protection). Noise & Health Vol. 17 Nr. 77.| Mumbai: Medknow PublicationsDOI:10.4103/1463-1741.160688
  • Bogoch, Isaac I.; House, Ronald A.; Kudla, Irena.(2005) (Perceptions About Hearing Protection and Noise-induced Hearing Loss of Attendees of Rock Concerts ). Canadian Journal of Public Health Canadian Public Health Association (Hg.) Vol. 96 Nr. 1
  • Bolia, Robert S.; McKinley, Richard L.(2000) (The Effects of Hearing Protectors on Auditory Localization: Evidence From Audio-Visual Target Acquisitioi). International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Vol. 6 Nr. 3.| Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire : Taylor & FrancisDOI:10.1080/10803548.2000.11076457
  • Bolia, Robert S.; McKinley, Richard L.(2000) (The Effects of Hearing Protectors on Auditory Localization: Evidence From Audio-Visual Target Acquisition). International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Vol. 6 Nr. 3.| Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire : Taylor & FrancisDOI:10.1080/10803548.2000.11076457
  • Bork, Ingolf.(2011) (Untersuchung zur Schallreduzierung im Nahfeld hochpegeliger Schallquellen im Rahmen des Arbeitsschutzes). Bericht PTB-Vorhaben 17013
  • Brashears, Shanda M.; Morlet, Thierry G.; Berlin, Charles I.; Hood, Linda J.(2003) (Olicocochlear efferent suppression in classical musicians). Journal of the American Academy of Audiology Vol. 14 Nr. 6
  • Braunschweig, T.; Gentsch, G.; Wagner, T.(2005) (Aktiver Gehörschutz für Musiker. Eine Zwischenauswertung). 8. DGA Jahrestagung
  • Bray, Adam; Szymański, Marcin; Mills, Robert.(2004) (Noise Induced Hearing Loss in Dance Music Disc Jockeys and an Examination of Sound Levels in Nightclubs). The Journal of Laryngology & Otology Vol. 118 Nr. 2.| Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press
  • Brockt, Georg; Kniewel, Carla.(2010) (Safe and Sound: Ratgeber zur Gehörerhaltung in der Musik- und Entertainmentbranche). Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin – BAUA (Hg.).| Bönen: Durckverlag Kettler
  • Brockt, Georg; Kniewel, Carla; Bork, Ingolf.(2010) (Safe and Sound: Ratgeber zur Gehörerhaltung in der Musik- und Entertainmentbranche). Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin – BAUA (Hg.).| Bönen: Durckverlag Kettler
  • Brusis, T.(2011) (Akuter Hörverlust beim Orchestermusiker. Akutes Lärmtrauma oder Hörsturz?). HNO Vol. 59 Nr. 7.| Berlin, Heidelberg: SpringerDOI:10.1007/s00106-010-2173-z
  • Camp, Janice E.; Horstman, Sanford W.(1992) (Musician sound exposure during performance of Wagner’s Ring Cycle). Science & Medicine Vol. 7 Nr. 2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Cecel W. Hart, Carol L. Geltman, Joanne Schupbach, Michael Santuccie.(1987) (The musician and occupational sound hazards). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal Alice G. Brandfonbrener (Hg.) Vol. 2 Nr.1.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Chasin, M.; Chong, J.(1991) (An in situ ear protection program for musicians). Hearing instruments 42 12.| New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich
  • Chasin, Marshall.(2018) (Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss). Audio Engineering Society Conference: 2018 AES International Conference on Music Induced Hearing Disorders (June 2018).| New York: Audio Engineering Society, Inc.
  • Chasin, Marshall.(2010) (Hear The Music. Hearing Loss Prevention for Musicians).
  • Chasin, Marshall.(2009) (Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management). | San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Chasin, Marshall.(2009) (Hearing Loss Prevention for Musicians and Introduction to the Problem). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Chasin, Marshall.(2009) (Inexpensive Environmental Modifications). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Chasin, Marshall.(2009) (Hearing Aids and Music). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Chasin, Marshall.(2008) (Musicians and the Prevention of Hearing Loss: An Introduction). Audiology online
  • Chasin, Marshall; Chong, John.(1999) (Localization Problems with Modified and Non-modified ER-15 Musician’s Earplugs). The Hearing Journal Vol. 52 Nr. 2.| Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer
  • Chasin, Marshall; Chong, John.(1995) (Four environmental techniques to reduce the effect of music exposure on hearing ). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal Alice G. Brandfonbrener (Hg.) Vol. 10 Nr. 2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Chasin, Marshall; Chong, John.(1992) (A clinically effiecient hearing protection program for musicians). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal Alice G. Brandfonbrener (Hg.) Vol. 7 Nr.2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Chasin, Marshall; Chong, John.(1992) (A clinically efficient hearing protection program for musicians). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal Alice G. Brandfonbrener (Hg.) Vol. 7 Nr.2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Chasin, Marshall; Hayes, Doran.(2009) (Music for the Audiologist). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Chasin, Marshall; Hockley, Neil S.(2018) (Hearing Aids and Music. Some Theoretical and Practical Issues). Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology R. Bader (Hg.).| Berlin, Heidelberg: SpringerDOI:10.1007/978-3-662-55004-5_40
  • Cheng, Wendy; Horowitz, Willa.(2016) (Making Music with a Hearing Loss. Strategies and Stories). | Gaithersburg (MD): Association of Adult Musicians with Hearing Loss (aamhl)
  • Chesky, Kris.(2011) (Schools of Music and Conservatories and Hearing Loss Prevention). International Journal of Audiology The British Society of Audiology (Hg.) Vol. 50 Nr. sup1.| London: Informa HealthcareDOI:10.3109/14992027.2010.540583
  • Chesky, Kris; Pair, Marla; Landford, Scott; Yoshimura, Eri.(2009) (Attitudes of College Music Students towards Noise in Youth Culture). Noise & Health Vol. 11 Nr. 42.| Mumbai: Medknow Publications
  • Chesky, Kris; Pair, Marla; Yoshimura, Eri; Landford, Scott.(2009) (An Evaluation of Musician Earplugs with College Music Students). International Journal of Audiology The British Society of Audiology (Hg.) Vol. 48 Nr. 9.| London: Informa HealthcareDOI:10.1080/14992020903019320 PMID:19925338
  • Chong, John.(2009) (Human Performance Approach to Prevention: Occupational Darwinism). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Clark, W. W.(1991) (Noise Exposure from Leisure Activities: A Review). The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America Acoustical Society of America (Hg.) Vol. 90 Nr. 1.| College Park (MD): AIP PublishingDOI:10.1121/1.401285PMID:1880286
  • Cook-Cunningham, Sheri L.(2017) (The Effects of Musician’s Earplugs on Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Choral and Solo Sound). Journal of Voice im Druck.| New York: ElsevierDOI:10.1016/j.jvoice.2017.09.013
  • Cooper, Astley.(1813) (Beobachtungen Über Die Wirkungen Der Zerstörung Des Trommelfells Auf Das Gehör).
  • Cudennec, Y. F.; Fratta, A.; Poncet, J. L.; et al.(1990) (Effects of loud music on the Garde Républicaine musicians). Annales d´Oto-Laryngologie et de Chirurgie Cervico-faciale Vol. 107 Nr. 6 PMID:2256613
  • Cunningham, David; Curk, Ann; Hoffman, Jenna; Pride, Jodee.(2006) (Despite High Risk of Hearing Loss, Many Percussionists Play Unprotected). The Hearing Journal Vol. 59 Nr. 6.| Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters KluwerDOI:10.1097/01.HJ.0000287052.63651.57
  • Curk, Ann E.; Cunningham, David R.(2006) (A Profile of Percussionists‘ Behaviors and Attitudes Toward Hearing Conservation). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal Ralph A. Manchester (Hg.) Vol. 21 Nr. 2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Dallos, Peter; Popper, Arthur; Fay, Richard.(2006) (Springer Handbook Of Auditory Research The Cochlea).
  • Damitz, Thomas.(2018) (Schallschutzschirm mit V-Ausschnitt. Bundesbehörde entwirft Funktionsmuster, das zuverlässig schützen und problemlose Kommunikation ermöglichen soll). Das Orchester 7-8.| Mainz: Verlag B. Schott’s Söhne
  • Daum, Miriam C.(1991) (Hearing Loss in Musicians). The American Journal of Otology Vol. 12 Nr. 2 PMID:2053603
  • Dey, Frederick.(1970) (Auditory fatigue and predicted permanent hearing defects from rock-and-roll music). The New England Journal of Medicine Vol. 282 Nr. 9 DOI:10.1056/NEJM197002262820902
  • Drake-Lee, A. B.(1992) (Beyond Music: Auditory Temporary Threshold Shift in Rock Musicians after a Heavy Metal Concert). Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine Vol. 85 Nr. 10.| New York u. A.: SAGEPMID:1433040
  • Dupasquier, S.; Hohmann, B. W.; Joller, L.(2002) (Gehörbelastung von Berufssängerinnen und -Sängern). Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin Eckart Altenmüller et al. (Hg.) Jg. 9 Nr. 2.| Hannover: DGfMM
  • Dupasquier, S.; Hohmann, B. W.; Joller, L.(2002) (Gehörbelastung von Berufssängerinnen und -Sängern). Musikphysiologie und Musikermedizin Eckart Altenmüller et al. (Hg.) Jg. 9 Nr. 2.| Hannover: DGfMM
  • Early, Karen L.; Horstman, S. W.(1996) (Noise Exposure to Musicians during Practice). Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene Vol. 11 Nr. 9.| Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire : Taylor & FrancisDOI:10.1080/1047322X.1996.10389385
  • Eaton, Stuart; Gillis, Heather.(2002) (Review of Orchestra Musicians‘ Hearing Loss Riskss). Canadian Acoustics Canadian Acoustical Association (Hg.) Vol. 30 Nr. 2
  • Eberlei, Geske Linnéa; Bork, Ingolf; Blau, Matthias.(2014) (Schallschutzschirme für Musiker – Untersuchungen zur Formgebung unter Berücksichtigung der Akzeptanz durch Musiker). DAGA 2014 Oldenburg
  • Ebner, Michael; Knoll, Joachim.(2009) (Gefährdung des Publikums bei Veranstaltungen). DIN Deutsches Institut für Normung e. V. (Hg.).| Berlin u. a.: Beuth
  • Einhorn, Kenneth.(2009) (The Medical Aspects of Otologic Damage from Noise in Musicians). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Einhorn, Kenneth.(2006) (The Medical Aspects of Noise Induced Otologic Damage in Musicians). Hearing Review Vol. 13 Nr. 3
  • Eisele, Martin; Rois-Merz, Esther.(2015) (Custom InEar Monitoring! Maßgeschneiderter Sound). Fit on Stage Tagungsband 2015 / ÖGfMM Newsletter Journal Matthias Bertsch (Hg.).| Wien: ÖGfMM
  • El Dib, Regina P; Silva, Edina MK; Morais, José F; Trevisani, Virgínia.(2008) (Prevalence of High Frequency Hearing Loss Consistent with Noise Exposure among People Working with Sound Systems and General Population in Brazil: A Cross-sectional Study). BMC Public Health Vol. 8 Nr. 1 DOI:10.1186/1471-2458-8-151
  • Elberg, Peter.(2010) (Lärmtrauma nach Diskotheken- und Rockkonzertbesuchen). | Univ. Diss. Würzburg:
  • Emmerich, E.(2005) (Wie laut ist klassische Musik und wie ist das Hörvermögen bei Berufsmusikern?). R. Grieshaber, M. Stadeler, H.-C. Stolle (Hg.) Jg. 11
  • Emmerich, Edeltraut; Rudel, Lars; Richter, Frank.(2007) (Is the Audiologic Status of Professional Musicians a Reflection of the Noise Exposure in Classical Orchestral Music?). European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology: Official Journal of the European Federation of Oto-Rhino-Laryngological Societies (EUFOS): Affiliated With the German Society for Oto-Rhino-Laryngology – Head and Neck Surgery Vol. 265 Nr. 7.| Berlin, Heidelberg: SpringerDOI:10.1007/s00405-007-0538-z PMID:18034257
  • Fallenstein, Julia.(2007) (EU-Recht und Lärmschutz für Musikerohren. Der deutsche Leitfaden zum Schutz des Gehörs). Das Orchester 7-8.| Mainz: Verlag B. Schott’s Söhne
  • Fearn, R. W.; Hanson, D. R.(1989) (Hearing level of young subjects exposed to amplified music). Journal of Sound and Vibration Vol. 128 Nr. 3 Elsevier SienceDOI:10.1016/0022-460X(89)90790-6
  • Federman, Jeremy; Picou, Erin.(2009) (Music and Hearing Protection: A Call to Action ). Perspectives on Audiology Vol. 5 Nr. 1 DOI:10.1044/poa5.1.3
  • Feldtkeller, Richard; Zwicker, Eberhard.(1967) (Das Ohr als Nachrichtenempfänger). Monographien der elektrischen Nachrichtentechnik XIX.| Stuttgart: S. Hirzel Verlag
  • Fendel, M.(2010) (Gehörprävention für Musiker). Arbeitsmedizin, Sozialmedizin, Umweltmedizin Jg. 45 Nr. 8
  • Fendel, Martin.(2015) (Hörtest für MusikerInnen – was geht ?). Fit on Stage Tagungsband 2015 / ÖGfMM Newsletter Journal Matthias Bertsch (Hg.).| Wien: ÖGfMM
  • Fisk, T.; Cheesman, M. F.; Legassie, J.(1997) (Sound pressure levels during amplified orchestra rehearsals and performances). Canadian Acoustics Canadian Acoustical Association (Hg.) 25 3
  • Flach, M.(1972) (Hearing of the musician seen from the otologic viewpoint). Monatsschreiben für Ohrenheilkunde und Laryngo-Rhinologie 106 9 PMID:5080913
  • Flach, M.; Aschoff, E.(1966) (Zur Frage berufsbedingter Schwerhörigkeit bei Musikern). Zeitschrift für Laryngologie 45
  • Fleischer, Gerald; Müller, Reinhard.(2005) (On the relation between exposure to sound and auditory performance). Proceedings of the SAE 2005, Noise and Vibration Conference, Traverse City, MI.| Warrendale (PA): SAE InternationalDOI:10.4271/2005-01-2396
  • Fligor, Brian J.(2009) (Do Headphones Cause Hearing Loss? Risk of Music Induced Hearing Loss for the Music Consumer). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Folprechtova, A.; Miksovska, O.(1981) (The acoustic conditions in a theatre orchestra). Prakov Lék 33
  • Frei, Jürgen.(1995) (Gehörschäden durch laute Musik). Bericht 18. Tonmeistertagung (International Convention on Sound Design), Karlsruhe 1994 Bildungswerk des Verbandes Dt. Tonmeister (VDT) (Hg.).| München: K.G. SAUR
  • Frei, Jürgen.(1979) (Die Gehörbelastung des Orchestermusikers in der Konzert- und Opernformation der Tonhalle Zürich). | Univ. Diss. Zürich:
  • Fuchs, Helmut V.(2017) (Raum-Akustik und Lärm-Minderung). | Berlin, Heidelberg: SpringerDOI:10.1007/978-3-662-53163-1_13
  • Fuchs, Helmut V.(2011) (Funktionelle Akustik – Die Nachhall-Charakteristik des Raumes als Basis für seine Nutzbarkeit. Teil 4: Bauliche Maßnahmen in Räumen für musikalische und schalltechnische Nutzungen). Bauphysik Vol. 33 Nr. 4.| Berlin: Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische WissenschaftenDOI:10.1002/bapi.201110022
  • Fuchs, Helmut V.(2010) (Schallabsorber und Schalldämpfer. Innovative akustische Konzepte und Bauteile mit praktischen Anwendungen in konkreten Beispielen ). | Berlin, Heidelberg: SpringerDOI:10.1007/978-3-642-01413-0
  • Fuchs, Helmut V.(2007) (Raumakustische Gestaltung von Umgebungen zum Darbieten, Aufnehmen und Wiedergeben von Sprache und Musik). Bauphysik Vol. 29 Nr. 6.| Berlin: Ernst & Sohn Verlag für Architektur und technische WissenschaftenDOI:10.1002/bapi.200710051
  • Fuchs, Helmut; V.(2007) (Der Raum spielt mit). Das Orchester 7-8.| Mainz: Verlag B. Schott’s Söhne
  • Fulford, Robert; Ginsborg, Jane; Goldbart, Juliet.(2011) (Learning Not to Listen: The Experiences of Musicians with Hearing Impairments). Music Education Research Vol. 13 Nr. 4.| Milton Park, Abingdon-on-Thames, Oxfordshire : Taylor & FrancisDOI:10.1080/14613808.2011.632086
  • Gastmeier, William J.(2009) (Room and Stage Acoustics for Optimal Listening and Playing). Hearing Loss in Musicians: Prevention and Management Marshall Chasin (Hg.).| San Diego, Oxford, Brisbane: Plural Publishing
  • Georg, Brockt.(2004) (Schallschutz bei Orchestermusikern – 87 dB(A) Expositionspegel als Grenzwert). CFA/DAGA 2004, Strasbourg
  • Görsdorf, Alexander.(2013) (Taube Nuss. Nichtgehörtes aus dem Leben eines Schwerhörigen). | Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt
  • Gofman, V. R. Et Al.(1993) (Sudden Hearing Loss in Inner Ear Trauma). Pp. | Rußland:
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  • Groothoff, B.(1999) (Incorporating effective noise control in music entertainment venues? Yes, it can be done). Journal of occupational health and safety Australia and New Zealand 15 6.| North Ryde: CCH Australia
  • Gryczyńska, D.; Czyźewski, I.(1977) ([Damaging effect of music on the hearing organ in musicians]). Otolaryngol. Polska 31 5 PMID:600527
  • Günther, Johannes.(2015) (In welchem Maße beeinträchtigt Gehörschutz das Differenzierungsvermögen von Klängen bei Berufsmusikern klassischer Orchester? Eine MMN-Studie). | Univ. Diss. Jena:
  • Gunderson, Erik; Moline, Jacqueline; Catalano, Peter.(1997) (Risks of developing noise-induced hearing loss in employees of urban music clubs). American Journal of Industrial Medicine 31 1.| Hoboken (NJ): Wiley-BlackwellDOI:10.1002/(SICI)1097-0274(199701)31:1<75::AID-AJIM11>3.0.CO;2-4
  • Halevi-Katz, Dana N.; Yaakobi, Erez; Putter-Katz, Hanna.(2015) (Exposure to Music and Noise-induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) among Professional Pop/Rock/Jazz Musicians). Noise & Health Vol. 17 Nr. 76.| Mumbai: Medknow PublicationsDOI:10.4103/1463-1741.155848
  • Hall, J. W.; Santucci, M.(1995) (Protecting the professional ear: conservation strategies and devices). The Hearing Journal 48 3.| Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer
  • Harper, Beatrice S.(2002) (Workplace and Health: A Survey of Classical Orchestral Musicians in the United Kingdom and Germany ). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Vol. 17 Nr. 2.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Hasson, Dan; Theorell, Töres; Liljeholm-Johansson, Yvonne; Canlon, Barbara.(2009) (Psychosocial and Physiological Correlates of Self-reported Hearing Problems in Male and Female Musicians in Symphony Orchestras). International Journal of Psychophysiology Vol. 74 Nr. 2.| New York: ElsevierDOI:10.1016/j.ijpsycho.2009.07.009
  • Henoch, Miriam A.; Chesky, Kris.(2000) (Sound exposure levels experienced by a college jazz band ensemble). Medical Problems of Performing Artists Journal 15 1.| Narberth (PA): Science & Medicine, Inc.
  • Hétu, R.; Fortin, M.(1995) (Potential Risk of Hearing Damage Associated with Exposure to Highly Amplified Music). Journal of the American Academy of Audiology Vol. 6 Nr. 5 PMID:8547701
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